Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What Colour Orange Are You

A completely stoopid post to end a 3 month blogging hiatus but there you go.

You Are Orange

Bright and intense, you embrace the world and all its opportunities.
Change does not intimidate you, even if it's a complete life overhaul.
You're a very real person. You aren't scared to show the world who you are.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Jack is Back, and I didn't know.

Thankfully you can relive past 'episodes'.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Birthday score!

OK so the score was with our own money but still, to be able to purchase in a REAL bricks and mortar store the imaginings of my many nights of blog surfing right here in Wollongong warms my little heart. Unfortunately the shop doesn't have a website but for those of you around here it's called milk (mothers infants little kids) and is in Fairy Meadow (a very apt suburb for a children's shop don't you think?) And I think Lorien may be pretty happy too. My baby is turning TWO people! We're well and truely leaving babyhood behind us in this family, we'll come back to visit you though, I promise. On to the loot. First up we have a snazzy little number by Oobi, makers of the gorgeously unique little Beasties, well it turns out they make equally as gorgeously unique clothing items

Next up we have a (well two actually) pair of Babylegs in dark rye and white starburst (for those who are interested), as well as a matching pair of blue garden clogs, just 'cause. Finally we have a purchase from the most coveted toy brand Haba

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Kitchen Theme.

I still have NO idea what to do about the kitchen window, but I do know what colour I'd like my accessories to be

Another for the list

I've been a bit into watching Nigella on Youtube (since I don't have pay tv, nor do I want it). She's very into her comfort food. I like it best when she uses words like velvety and buttery ointment.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

And this

Borrowed it from the library. Don't need to own it. Lots of good information to digest but rather dry. I think I'd like something with some pictures, to see how good design looks.

Want this

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Old Places

A few weeks ago we took the opportunity to hitch a ride with my Dad to see the Grandparents, both because Ro's started school so it had to be in the hollidays and also he was a bit hazey as to whether they were still alive or not- as last year wasn't the best for them with illness etc. It was wonderful to see them of course but what was really great was taking a car trip to see all the old people and places from Dad's extended family. I loved him taking Ro to the places we used to go when we came up to see me GREAT grandmother. I felt comfortable- like this is somewhere we can relate like we used to. Since my parents separated I find it quite awkward relating to them sometimes- they're still my folks, it's just I had this image in my head about how it would be when I was an adult with my own family. Going over once a week for dinner, family get togethers, everything I had growing up. I guess I feel kind of cheated for me and my children. they still have loving grandparents, but as well as that they're (the grandparents) are off exerting the independance and enjoying being uncommited and answerable to no one, which they both seem to see as the chief benefit of the single life. Maybe I still need to grow up some more and just suck it in.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Colour. That's it.

Yes we have moved house, yes I have started a new job, but honestly I just can't think of anything crafty or witty or philosophical to muse over. Maybe that's how life will be for a while. I'd love to start participating in a Corner's of my Home but as much as I love the new place, it's OURS we have exactly the right amount of space, I've started doing 'things' to it, it still feels kind of...blank. This blog is meant to make my life look all exciting and crunchy and creative by taking tiny little non-representative snapshots and rabbiting on about them. Well. yeah.

Now for something completely...

View full

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Blog Worthy- Water from the sky!

An incredible thing has happened. Water has fallen from the sky. In vast quantities and a short amount of time, complete with noise and flashing light. Proper hard stuff. It has become so rare in recent years (although no where near as rare as other parts of the country) that my mind had to retrieve the word from a little way back in my consciousness. THUNDERSTORM. The first thing it came into my head was 'oh look, lots of water falling hard from the sky'. One thing led to another and well... first the kids were allowed to get out of bed, which logically led to dancing naked in the rain. Guess it would have been better out the back instead of the front... How greatful am I to have a totally understanding husband who instead of being shocked and appalled instead understood that it was totally logical and snuck in some happy snaps. Well who knows, he may have been shocked and appalled but he's supportive before those things. I wonder how many men there are who could take my at times rampant craziness so easily in their stride. Sometimes he's even known to play along. Thanks babe for being so understanding. Thanks God for summer rainstorms and naked bodies (both chubby small ones and larger unabashedly motherly ones). Hmmm.... wonder who will be shocked and who will be totally unsurprised at this post? To quote a wise woman, It's my blog and I will blog what I want to.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

small offerings

Some small offerings from our vegetable garden. From all of those lushious potato plants the actual tubers are a little on the scrawny side, ranging from around the size of a large egg (only a couple) to pea size. Admittedly I just whacked them in the garden before we left for noosa, and only payed 2 dollars for the whole seed potato box, but I was expecting a little more than 2 (delicious) side dishes worth. Guess I'll get used to veggies that aren't all huge and uniform like at the supermarket. The tomatoes are just some spare seedlings from my neighbour Anna, I don't think they were even in real dirt. Apparently they are yummy too (I can't eat raw tomatoes) and given I don't even know what variety they're supposed to be they might be meant to be that size. I have high hopes for my Italian Roma's however. They have 6 weeks to do their thing, otherwise I'll have to think about shifting them TO OUR NEW HOUSE! Which will be OURS (our bank's). We thought contracts had exchanged Wednesday but apparently we were mistaken, so that'sa bit of a downer, so close yet sooooo far it seems.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

stunningly wonderful boring day

Today we had a great day, we did nothing for the environment, the arts, mankind or the kingdom of God as far as I'm aware. There was some brunch in town with Christmas money, then some reading and lazing while the kids splashed around on the verandah. No laundry was put away or soil improved, nothing was created. O bought me The Herb Bible for $7.99 so there may have been a little dreaming, but that's about it. I think it may have been the calm before the storm...

Friday, January 05, 2007

peeking out at '07

Nope, not for us. We're about to do a big bellyflop into 2007 without even checking how deep the water is it seems. The first month of this year we've decided to buy a house, start me up in a new job and send Rohan off to school. The only new year's resolution I could think of was to resolve not to be too overwhelmed with it all and just go with the flow for a while. Then we'll start the lists, which is how we seem to get through stages like this, todo lists, pro and con lists, budget balancing lists. But for now it's just go go go and evaluate a bit later. See you in March maybe? I think I might try writing everyday type happenings in this blog, after all very few people actually see it and if I can get into practice journaling then I may keep this up, instead of waiting for cute crafty endeavours to happen and fill the screen with eyecandy. I wonder what will happen to George the turtle? He was here when we arrived, I guess we could take him with us, but he's pretty much self sufficient where he is, I wouldn't want to upset the balance.